Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bless the Lord during your trial!!

             Sometimes the trials of life seem to way us down. Trials makes us feel empty, defeated, and it seems that God is not close  or doesn’t care about us. But I'm here to tell you that God does care, he cares a lot about you which is why he sent his only son to die for you. So that you may know him and live in his beautiful freedom!!! I was reading Job last night and I just got really blessed by it. I was only in Job 1, but I have read job before but It felt like it never really applied to me. One thing that I believe that kept Jobs’ faith so strong is that when he was tested he didn’t mope around, feeling sad and sorry for himself. No !! HE WORSHIPED THE LORD. He blessed him by saying “ Naked came I out of my mothers womb and naked Will I return; the Lord gave and the Lord hath taketh away ; BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD. In all of this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly” . Job 1:21-22.  How many times have we foolishly blamed God for our problems? Too many to count right. The Lord is faithful in everything that he does. There has never been a time past or present where the Lord did not deliver like he promised. God is the one who is running things, not us. And just because you have been praying for years for him to come through on something does not mean that he has forgotten about you or that he doesn’t care about you. God does things on his own timing. And I don’t know about you but I’d rather wait on his timing, because whether you have noticed or not his timing is always perfect!!! So the next time that life’s problems are slapping you in the face, Lift up your hands and bless the Lord and watch how your negative situation can turn into a positive one!!!

Love ya stay encouraged!

Sincerely Chasity

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome. Keep up the bless work. Mrs. Ishman
