Monday, April 29, 2013

Don't quit!!

Life is hard sometimes! There is pressure all around us . Pressure to fit into this group or that group, pressure to give into temptation, etc. Honestly, Without Jesus I would have quit on life a long time ago , I would have  gave into depression, I would have gave into temptation. But God is stronger than anything that I have ever been faced with. And he is just the same for you!! His word says “ In our weakness his strength is made strong” . In every area that we are  not strong enough to fight in God fights for us. So don’t quit , don’t give up. Don’t stop living for God. Continue to chase after him with all of your heart. Because “ Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him”. 1 Corinthians 2:9 . It is all worth it in the end. One of the enemy’s tactics is to make us believe that living a life as a Christian is too hard. Or that we won’t see the promises of God. Or that we cannot overcome this or that. But he is a liar and truth is never in him. For the bible says that “we are overcome by blood of the lamb and word of our Testimony”. So go on!! Be victorious!! Victory is already in you !!

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