Monday, July 16, 2012

Who are you?!

      Ask yourself this question. Who Am I ? I’m sure that there are several thoughts running through your mind, but really who are you? Or better yet who do you think you are.
      Many people try to discover who they are through friend’s t.v shows or even music.
      But the only true way to find out who you are is through Jesus Christ. Think about it, who can tell you who you are better than the one who created you. He knows you better than you know yourself, he knows you better than your parents or your friends know you.  He knows you better because he knows your heart. Your friends may know your personality and they may know a few things about you, but do they know the secret things in your heart? No only JESUS Christ knows!!!

    So, you have to be careful who you surround yourself with.

·          I suggest that the next time you are around your homegirls , homeboys, or even church members that you may associate with, ask yourself do these people really accept me for who i am? Evaluate the circumstances, for example ask yourself if I Didn’t have a nice car or if I didn’t dress nice would they still be my friends? You will find the results to be pretty shocking.

·         You have to choose your friends wisely. Simply because friends can bring you down. Depending on what type of friends you may have. Are your friends a positive influence or a negative influence? Meaning do they help you stay out of trouble or do they get you in trouble?! Do they make you feel good about yourself or do they make you feel bad about yourself?!

   Know your  self –worth

·          you have to know how valuable and how precious you are. So I want to encourage you all.

I want to encourage you to be you. Don’t try to be like nobody else. Think about how the world would be if everyone acted the same, or dressed the same. We will be bored and bland.

·         Love yourself for who you are. If you like to wear your purple, orange, and blue, then wear it, because the only opinion that matters is yours and Jesus’s of course.

·         Embrace your talents and gifts and use them for the Glory of God. Whatever you are good in use that to glorify God. Remember at the end of the day the only one we need to please is God.

·         You are beautiful and the bible says in psalms 139:14 that “ you are fearfully and wonderfully made”

·         So embrace who you are, because I guarantee that there is no one else in the universe like you.

·         You have to remind yourself that you are a child of the most high God. Who can do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or think.

·         Remember, God does not make any mistakes. And you are not a mistake.

·         Finally, don’t let a man, woman, or friends, define who you are, instead be defined by Jesus Christ alone.

I love you all and I pray that God will continue to bless you with an abundance of peace, love and joy. Be blessed!!

Love Chas

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