Monday, July 2, 2012

Oh the Joy's of real Friendship!

Friendship is such a beautiful thing. Especially if you are surrounded by awesome, positive and supportive people. One thing that I hate to see is people who hang out together,  but really don’t like each other. They party and drink together share all of their business  with each  other but when it comes down to sacrificing something for the other I am pretty sure that they are no where to be found.  Real friendship is not defined by what type of car the other drives, or how someone may dress, or popularity status. All of that is NONSENSE.  I believe that true friendship is having someone there who has your back no matter what.  They not only have your back but they don’t talk about you behind your back either. Instead they pray for you and lift you up with positive words.
True friends don’t make you feel worthless or inadequate. Real friends would not make you feel like you to have to work to earn their friendship or be this or that or wear this or that just to be friends with them.  With a true friend you don’t have to TRY TO FIT in You just FIT IN. You just click .  There is no jealously, no envy, no back stabbing, no fakeness none of that. A real friend would not try to pressure you into doing anything that you do not want to do whether good or bad.

 I thank God for my friends, for my lovely, beautiful powerful sisters in Christ. They are totally awesome and I wouldn’t choose any other friends to hang with, to pray with, to share my heart with. God placed them in my life and if you are willing to let go of the dead friendships in your life he could do the same for you too.
My lovely sisters in Christ and I( in the middle) on our Grils night out!! It was so fun !!

 Love you all!! Be blessed!!!


My lovely sisters in Christ and I( on your right) . We were modeling a clothing line called African EYEZ . It is a movement that was started to raise funds to provide food for babies in Malawi. Its pretty awesome!!
check it out:!/Africaneyez

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord young lady. Glad to see that you are allowing God to use you in such a large capacity. This blog shows that you can have fun in Christ as a young lady and enjoy doing good for others. May God bless you all, the charities that you are reaching out to,and everything that you put your hands to.

    Ms. Parker
