Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Sooooo, have you ever been at a point in your walk with God, where you realize that you are totally missing the point of “WALKING WITH GOD”? Yea that’s where I am right about now. Sometimes we get so caught up in ministry, works, fasting, etc that we miss and often forget the whole purpose of our salvation and that’s to bask in the Lords Love. I have learned and still am learning that I can not earn God’s love.  His love will always be given to me FREELY. Paul said in Romans 8:38-39 “I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things to come will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus”.  That is so true!! Nothing that we do will keep God from loving us. This does not mean that now we have the right to go out and sin against God because his love is unfailing. Yes God loves us but he is also holy. He will not let your sin, my sin, the popes sin, no ones sin go unpunished just because he loves us. Of course, no one is perfect so we need God’s grace to carry us. I have decided that I will stop trying to do works to make me feel like the lord will love me more. He never said fast until you’re so small that you can dodge raindrops and then I will love you. No!  The word says that the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart God will not despise.Whats the point of fasting if we dont reap the benefits of God's character . Now don’t get me wrong, fasting/ consecration is important and we should do it. But ultimately it is not for God it is for us. It is to separate us from world while drawing closer to God.But again dont get me wrong, If God told you and has called you to a lifestlye of constant fasting and prayer then thats what you need to do. But if he didnt tell you to do it and you just do it becasue you feel like he will not love you or your trying to fill sometype of void in your walk by doing works then here is where you need to Stop!! Slow Down!! take the time out to get caught up, captivated and mesmerized in the Lord’s presence and his wonderful, everlasting, unrelenting FREE love!!!!!

Be Blessed!!!

Love chas

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