Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why should he wait for you?

Why he should wait for you?

My story:
Well, I love to be loved.  What girl doesn’t? I use to waste so much time trying to chase the fairytale in a man, but what I did not know was that the fairy tale was patiently waiting for me .
Yes, Jesus is my fairytale now. With him I discovered who I am. With him now I know how a man should love me. I stop giving my heart away to boys, instead I gave Jesus my heart and he has yet to disappoint me. All of the relationships that I have been in from middle school to high school to college have been total disasters, but one thing that I can truly say is that from those relationships I have learned how a man should love and treat me. Now that I have the man who is love, who’s whole nature is love I now know why I am important and why  I am worth waiting for.

Now it’s your turn to discover:
Here are a few reasons why he should wait for you? Note: the reasons why a man should wait  for you are limitless, but I have narrowed it down to a few reasons. You can come up with many of your own to serve as a reminder of your important value.

  1. You are a daughter of the most high God  and that alone deserves respect
As a child of God, you have the privilege to call the uncreated God “Abba” meaning Father. Because he is your father you have the heavenly right to be cherished just as your Father in heaven cherishes you. Most girls want a father who will protect her, give her guidance,  to tell her how beautiful and how special she is. Many have that, but there are some even those reading this post who do not. You may have never heard your dad say nice things about you or tell you that you are beautiful and important, but Your Father in heaven says that to you all through out his word.
  1. Your body is the temple of the Lord
         1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says  Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body”.  Your body is not even yours to give away, to use, and abuse. If you treat your body like a temple then it really shows how much respect you have not only for God but for yourself as well.
  1. You are like a rare Jewel that is irreplaceable and  that can not be duplicated.      
                 You are like a ruby , which is one of the rarest jewels in the world. Rubies are original , priceless, highly valued. That's what you are.You are like the expensive jewelry behind the glass counter at the jewelry store. The expensive jewelry is protected by lasers and is handled with extreme care. No one can touch the expensive jewelry unless they are wearing gloves. That's how valued it is. Think of yourself that way?
  1. Because he loves and fears God therefore he will R-E-S-P-E-C-T your decision.
 If he does not KNOW the Lord then most likely he will be carnal minded (worldly minded) and he wont love you like Christ loved the church, he would not even know where to start. Soooooooo, If he doesn't know God who is love then how can he respect the fact that you are deciding to wait? But a man who KNOWS the Lord will respect and yet cherish the fact that you chose to wait. A man who does not fear or love  God will definitely not respect you.
  1.  Because if he really loves you He will wait . Period!!
  A man who really loves you and respects you as a woman will without a doubt wait for you. Don’t let em get ya with smooth talk. One guy once told me that he was planning on marrying me so we might as well have sex. WRONG! If I knew then what I know now then I would have kicked him to the curb a long time ago instead of wasting  my precious time. Because, obviously he was not serious about me or my decision to wait.
Be encouraged!!! Don’t give in to temptation or the lies of the enemy. You are beautiful, precious and you are the Lord’s beloved.

Remember your value is far above rubies!!!! The Lord said so himself!!
Love ya all !!!

Anonymous Daughter of Christ

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