Monday, October 29, 2012

Having a Servants Heart

Women of the bible

Bible reference:

Acts 16:14-15 -  She is mentioned in Acts 16:40

Lydia’s Background:

She was sort of a business woman, she sold purple cloth in the city of Thyatira.

She was a worshipper of God, but most importantly she was also a servant.

The connection:

 It is impossible to love God and live for him without having at least the slightest compulsion to serve others. Lydia had the heart of a servant, which I believe was derived from her place of worship. Worshiping God is an act of servitude in itself, because each moment that you do it you are pushing YOU further away from the spotlight. Worship is selfless. Lydia was a worshipper, which I believe put her heart in a place of absolute servitude. Once you really see God for who he really is , once you gaze at his magnificent beauty and power , you are really compelled to “put your hands to the plow” and serve. Now this doesn’t mean that you should go out and get involved in every charity, ministry, etc to prove that you are serving or to make yourself feel better about being a servant. But you should first seek the Lord and ask him what he would like for you to do. Most times you really don’t have to ask the Lord, you just jump in where you are needed.

Lydia’s act of servitude:

Acts 16: 15

Lydia displayed her heart to serve when she willingly accepted Paul and Silas into her home.

Reflection Questions:

What does it means to serve?

In what ways do you serve others?

In what ways do you serve God?

List a few ways that you can better serve God and others?

Personal prayer:

Lord, I desperately want a heart to serve others. I want to serve them willingly and freely with no arterial motives. Lord place in me the desire and the will to want to serve others and serve you more effectively. Help me to notice opportunities where I can be of service to your kingdom and your people. God, I ask that you would allow me to be a light in this dark world, allow me to show forth your love through service. Help me to be the leader you have called me to be in every area of my life. In Jesus Name  AMEN.

Living for something Greater than Yourself!!

Serving God is a choice. Just as serving others is a choice. God does not make us live for him, Worship him, love him, etc . Ultimately it is our choice. He gave us FREE WILL for a reason. But Often in our Christian walk we should step back and evaluate whether we are really making an impact for the kingdom of God.

Today Choose Him, Choose Christ. You will be amazed at the satisfaction, the fulfillment, the Joy and peace that you will receive when you choose him.. It's the best feeling in in world, its like no other.

When You decide to choose him there is no way that you won't be compelled to serve him and others with a greater passion. Its time that we as Believers stop doing everything within our comfort zone, but it is time that we step out and do those things for God's glory that we really don't want to do. For Instance, when someone asks you to be apart of something for the Lord that makes you cringe mainly because you feel as if it is out of your league.. Know this!! God likes to use people who are willing to step out of their comfort zone for him. Whether that it going in deeper with worship, seeking the Lord on a deeper level, joining an organization for God's Glory ,etc

Be willing to put yourself out there because God can't use you and the gifts that he has placed inside of you if you are never willing to step out and BE USED. Get involved to help build the kingdom, because honestly it has NEVER been about us... It has always been about God and it will always be about him.. Blessed Be the Name of the Lord.

By: Chasity K Sanders